Yvette Van Boven’s Recipe Illustrations

If I knew how to draw and stuff, I would make these for all my friends and family for Christmas. How sweet would that be? Ask them their favorite go-to recipe, illustrate it for them, and frame it! Voila! I would love to have a series of framed illustrations in my kitchen of my favorite recipes!

I looked around on Etsy and didn’t see anyone who offers this service. If you can draw, I advise you get on that hole in the market asap. You’ll be getting commissions til the cows come home, I can’t think how many blogs would love to feature that, and like, Martha Stewart Living magazine.

Yvette van Boven is the artist behind these illustrations above, that lead me on this whole chain of thought, and she has a new cookbook out that looks delightful. It’s called Homemade, and it’s a mix of recipes and diy how-tos for the kitchen, like how to make ice cream without an ice cream maker, and its decorated with her illustrations and photography.


Collective Noun Posters

How fun are collective nouns?? This seriesof posters were created by WOOP Studios (who are also the graphic designers of the Harry Potter series) to celebrate collective nouns, which are, as they put it, “one of the eccentricities of the English language.”

It’s true! How random that we have terms for gatherings of so many different things? Terms that you really rarely use, and actually never need, considering they all mean “group.” I love it! They’re so evocative! “Murder of crows,” “parliament of owls,” “charm of goldfinches,” “party of jays” … the bird ones are some of my favorites.

I think a collection of these posters (sadly there’s no collective noun dedicated to posters, or I would have used it!) would be so cute in a kid’s room!

It’s Never Too Late

…to be what you want to be.
When I first saw this print, I thought it was a movie poster, like the “unsheets” I’ve been posting.  Doesn’t the format, with the line along the bottom and what looks like tiny credits underneath, lead you to think so?  And for a French film, the design would be perfectly suitable.  It kind of looks like it could be for The Diving Bell and the Butterfly, no?
And it turns out it’s just a lovely print with a lovely meaning by an artist, and unlike the general genre of “inspirational posters,” not cheesy at all.  I particularly love the (unsentimental) typeface.

["Unsheet" movie poster
posts herehere, here.]

Edition One Hundred

Similar to 20 x 200 (which is awesome, by the way), the recently launched Edition One Hundred will be offering limited edition runs (100) of signed and numbered affordable ($100) photographic prints.
The inaugural exhibition is called I Love LA and is by Cat Jimenez.  I dug this one–
It’s by an LA artist named Miles Regis– isn’t it like de Kooning’s “women” meets Basquiat meets de la Vega??  How could you possibly go wrong with such a mix of influences…
de Kooning
de la Vega

Mike Miller for West Elm

Silhouette art is definitely having a moment in the design world, and I might’ve almost had it with silhouettes, but these quirky silhouettes by artist Mike Miller for West Elm keep the charm alive.
The palette and styling don’t hurt either… they manage to make silhouettes look less precious and more masculine, in a way that really works for me.

Available here at West Elm.
Via Design*Sponge

From Sea to Shining Sea

Cool city posters designed by Heads of State, based on traditional tourism advertising icons for each city.

Award-winning poster designers and illustrators Heads of State here.

via Curated.

You Are Here

Love the combo of an anatomy-type print and a little sentimentalism.  The schoolish styling of the shot is pretty great too…

Fame Monster

Brilliantly simplistic Lady Gaga Radio City Music Hall poster by Workerman

Masters and Their Crafts

Roost + Cultivate Wines

I love photography like the above… that dinner table in candle light… I have an obsession... 


Katie Ermilio
katie ermilio

Dear Wonderlusters, I’m so excited to bring you this interview with the darling designer Katie... 


Drawn In
drawn in

I can’t wait to get my hands on this book of images from the sketch books of 44 artists and designers... 

Listening To

Arcade Fire + Chris Milk
creators project

I so wish I had been at Coachella for this. Director Chris Milk, as part of The Creator’s Project,... 


Canopy & Stars
canopy and stars

This site is so much fun to browse. Talk about wanderlust. Alistair Sawday, author of the Special Places... 


Modern Cottage
canada cabin

Loving this modern cottage in the woods of Ontario. I’m all for cozy, traditional cottages, but... 

Style Files

RRL’s Vintage-y Lookbook

As Miss Moss said, there have been an influx (onslaught?) of vintage-inspired lookbooks recently, but... 


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Click over to Editor’s Chair, the tumblr within the blog, for more.  

Wonderlust: a strong, innate desire for things that inspire wonder or the urge to create.
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