Alvin Diec

I recently came across the work of Alvin Diec and originally thought I’d post a couple of his pieces on Editor’s Chair. Then, I started perusing his entire portfolio, and as I usually do, I was dragging things I liked into various folders on my desktop. Then, I realized I’d dragged almost every single thing in his portfolio into one folder or another.
So, I decided to share all of it with you (or at least, a lot of it). His brand identity and graphic design work is just so spot on. Classic and authentic looking, like the brands could have been around for decades, and yet unique and interesting. And he seems to have a lot of the same obsessions that I do… things that look like old tickets, twine, airmail envelopes, ampersands, luggage tags…
Here are a few of his poster designs…
Oh! And he has a project in his porftolio called Fairly Well Made Co.– clearly a play on Best Made Co., the axe brand that I developed a serious fascination and love/hate relationship with– that makes scythes instead of axes and is hilarious. Here it is:
[And here, here, and here are past posts on Best Made Co if you missed them.]
Check out the gallery for lots more work…
PS- AND, he lives in Atlanta! Atl represent!
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Check out what others are saying...[...] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Alvin Diec, Wonderlust Journal. Wonderlust Journal said: New post on the work of Alvin Diec! LOTS of graphic design eye candy… [...]
[...] outs to Lindsay McCabe for Dream Walking, Alvin Diec for Double Blind (remember him from this post? I pulled him in to design a label for us! So fun!), famed photographer Fred Lyon for the Gambler [...]