Minimalist Movie Posters
Like the “unsheets” I posted a while back, these movie posters by Kyle Tezak have an awesome minimalist style; they say a lot with very little.
Here’s what Tezak says about the project:
“Lately I’ve been working a lot with icons. Trying to capture the essence of an object or idea with only a few lines and at the same time maintaining its elegance is pretty much design in a nutshell. That’s what is so great about icons, they’re tiny poems. I decided it would be a fun project to attempt to sum up some of my favorite books, movies, historical events, anything, with just four icons; the meat and potatoes.”
Minimalist Series Posters
Graphic Fix >> 2010 Rolling Roadshow Posters
I discovered these through screenwriter John August’s website in his post about what he calls “unsheets.” ”One-sheets” are what Hollywood people call the posters designed for movies that are hung outside of theaters and are solely meant to sell tickets. They are generally formulaic and not very artistic, and almost always use the font Trajan (see hilarious video here about the unending use of Trajan for movies).
[2010 Rolling Roadshow]
[Olly Moss]
[past unsheet posts here and here]