Dancing in Public

Two photography projects for you today with a few things in common: professional dancers dancing/posing in public in NYC.
One is called The Ballerina Project (black and white photos above) and takes a more serious, emotional approach (aren’t they beautiful?), and the other is called Dancers Among Us and has a little bit more of a fun, humorous, Improv Everywhere feel to it, capturing dancers in normal street clothes surprising crowds with a sudden leap or twirl (that’s the technical term- twirl) (photos in gallery– mostly color).
beautiful! i love this. thanks for sharing
Hey Robin! Glad you like
Both projects are amazing but I think I like the Dancers Among Us better. They look so “among us” with casual clothes on.
I do love the fun element of that one… and it really does make you think about the professional dancers that are probably around us all the time, and how they could break out in these beautiful movements at any moment if they wanted to!