"There is no blue without yellow and without orange"
-van Gogh
My attraction to this image required self-analysis. I’m a blue fanatic, especially navy. And I normally don’t like yellow. It just doesn’t do it for me, it always seems either too country or faux “Provence” or whatever. Especially with a floral print. Risky.
But how MASTERFUL is this use of yellow?? The glam gold lamp (brilliant, that’s what really does it for me) and big gold watch save it from being too plain-Jane preppy, the navy border makes it crisp and sophisticated, and the coral colors mixed in brings it to life.
Doesn’t that van Gogh quote apply to this color story??
PS, Kate Spade is a genius. I’m sure of it. And, I like her kitchen. The black and white striped cushion reminds me of Jenna Lyons (here), and I’m pretty sure they are like style-soulmates, or at least cousins.
See all of the Spades’ apartment, which is now a blog-world classic, on Mrs. Blandings.