Surf Love

I don’t know if it’s that I live in California now or what, but surfing and surf culture seems to be a much bigger part of my concept of summer than ever before, and I can’t get enough of surf videos and photos like these.  
But I swear it’s not just me, or even California, and I point to Saturdays Surf NYC as evidence… when before has surfing ever been a big deal to Manhattanites?  
But even still, it makes me excited to be a Californian, where surfing seems to be everywhere you look in the summer– surf boards strapped on cars, being hauled on bikes, stacked on people’s balconies, etc.  The other day I drove up the Pacific Coast Highway from LA to Santa Barbara, watching hoards of surfers all along the coast, and relished it thinking, “Where else? Where else can you watch surfers from the highway as you drive home?”
[Secret Forts]

Saturdays Surf

I think I should tell you from the start, this guy doesn’t find big surf in NYC… I watched with anticipation thinking he was going to go tear it up at the end, but not so.  But, totally worth watching for the film itself!  It’s nicely shot, the colors are great, and it feels very evocative, watching this guy head out of the city for some solo time in the water.
By the cool new surf shop Saturdays Surf NYC.

Um, I really want that guy’s sweatshirt… wonder if they make any women’s sizes??

PS- if you were wondering about the lack of posts so far this week- my sister had a baby on Monday so I’ve been all consumed with baby William in my free time!
[Thanks Colin!!]
[top collage from Valet.]

Masters and Their Crafts

Roost + Cultivate Wines

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Katie Ermilio
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Drawn In
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Listening To

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Canopy & Stars
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Wonderlust: a strong, innate desire for things that inspire wonder or the urge to create.
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