Emerson’s Home… Again
Yes I know, I already featured the New Hampshire home of Emerson of EmersonMade and her adorable husband a while back, but there are new photos out, as featured in Boston Magazine Home, and I could. not. resist.
That kitchen! The beadboard ceiling and the wide-plank floors are what get me most.
I fell hard for this house the first time, and I might’ve just fallen even harder the second time. I’m so in love.
New to-do list: (1) start fabulous company doing something I love a la EmersonMade, (2) find husband who loves what I do and likes to be involved, a la Emerson’s husband, who takes the photos of her and models in photos for their ads/catalog, (2b) option to reverse (1) and (2) and find husband and then a start company together, (3) obtain wonderful country house for weekend getaways and restore it to perfection, obviously using lots of warm woods and white, (4) enjoy said job, marriage, house, and life. Et voila!
This pantry actually inspired my very own collection of pantry goods in glass jars on display when it was published the first time! Our cute 1920s kitchen has a built-in china cabinet, and I went to town on glass canisters. Only, I read that hers contain all kinds of healthy grains and whatnot, and mine are filled with baking supplies… haaa.
See the older post I did on them/their house/their life I covet here, with even more photos and information.