LustList >> Calling Cards
Posted by Eliza Coleman on Friday, February 26, 2010 · Comment
We’ve taken an epic amount of time designing our company’s business cards, and I’ve been thinking in the mean time I really would like a personal calling card. I l-o-v-e and want one of the ones from Kate Spade through
Crane, above, but I’ve come across lots of other cool styles as well…
In fact, part of our problem is that we don’t want our business card to too strongly reflect one particular style, since we design in many styles, so maybe we just shouldn’t have company cards, and instead all just have personal cards that have our company email addresses?
Above and below, from Brooklyn Social Cards,
here. The ones above would also be good for a Modernist, and I think the one below might rival the Kate Spades for my personal fave.
There’s something wonderfully old-fashioned about the idea of having a calling card. As if it is essential that you keep them handy because so many people you meet simply must see you again. Way classier to hand over a calling card that have them enter your cell number in their phone, no?
Anna, from Rifle Paper
Co., will create a cute little custom likeness of you for your calling card.
Another modern option, from Etsy seller ReadyGo,
A crafty one, for a crafty person (?), sewn (!) on to thick craft paper. Also from ReadyGo
Don’t love the font on this one, but do love the pattern! And you can change the font. And I bet you can get the chevron in the green she used on a notecard below, which I would prefer. In fact I’d do font and color like the card below. From Etsy seller
Pixel Impress.