Club Montrachet

Wine can be an intimidating world, and few parts of it are as intimidating as Burgundian wines. That’s where Club Montrachet comes in. Club Montrachet is owned and run by a handful of people from Burgundy who are plugged in and know their stuff, and they curate a rotating selection of wines that you order six at a time.  As an additional benefit, as a member of the club, you get the wines at a discount because you are bypassing the markups tacked on by distributors.

On top of that, their site, designed by Shane Edelman, is just really awesome and totally breaks the mold of what you might imagine from a French wine club. Fresh, approachable, and hip.

I particularly loved this little video, with it’s charming writing-on-photos + voiceover approach and Amelie-style music (I’m pretty sure that actually is a Yann Tiersen song playing!).

Lastly, I have to tell you, when I emailed Philippe Faraut, the president, about writing a post on Club Montrachet, expecting that maybe I would hear back, maybe not, he personally called me back about an hour later to talk about the company and to hear about Wonderlust! He clearly has a passion for this project, which is just a side hobby for him, and if I didn’t already love the concept, I certainly do now! How’s that for a personal touch?

Dana Tanamachi’s Chalk Installations

I love chalkboard paint (see past post on chalk paint walls), and I love chalk writing (don’t menus in cafes look so much more charming when they’re written on a chalk board?), so naturally, I love Dana Tanamachi’s chalk installations.  Their retro hand-painted storefront window sign quality is so appealing!

In addition to her chalk work, Dana also works for Louise Fili, so it’s no surprise that she’s a whiz with letterforms and signage.

Check out this fun 30-second time-lapse film of her Cooper Collection installation.  I love that it’s set to a Morning Benders song!


like butter



Kings County Distillery

Love the utter simplicity of the labeling for New York’s oldest whiskey distillery.  Check them out.

It’s Never Too Late

…to be what you want to be.
When I first saw this print, I thought it was a movie poster, like the “unsheets” I’ve been posting.  Doesn’t the format, with the line along the bottom and what looks like tiny credits underneath, lead you to think so?  And for a French film, the design would be perfectly suitable.  It kind of looks like it could be for The Diving Bell and the Butterfly, no?
And it turns out it’s just a lovely print with a lovely meaning by an artist, and unlike the general genre of “inspirational posters,” not cheesy at all.  I particularly love the (unsentimental) typeface.

["Unsheet" movie poster
posts herehere, here.]

Touchable Sound

Just in time to feed my recent obsession with album covers, this book featuring the best 7-inch covers just hit shelves.  With over 300 covers, I think this could entertain me for a while!

In related news, Rolling Stone published a list of the top 25 record stores in the US– check it out here.
[Past posts on album covers here and here]

Graphic Fix >> 2010 Rolling Roadshow Posters

Over the summer, Alamo Drafthouse Cinema and Levi’s collaborated to put on free screenings of “famous movies in famous places.”  For the series, they had new, awesome-ly graphic and pared-down posters designed for the films by Olly Moss.

I discovered these through screenwriter John August’s website in his post about what he calls “unsheets.”  ”One-sheets” are what Hollywood people call the posters designed for movies that are hung outside of theaters and are solely meant to sell tickets.  They are generally formulaic and not very artistic, and almost always use the font Trajan (see hilarious video here about the unending use of Trajan for movies).  

“Unsheets,” on the other hand, are movie posters designed by fans after the movie has come out and typically have no commercial purpose, but rather are just designed as an homage to the movie (like these A Single Man posters I loved or this Coffee & cigarettes poster).  While one-sheets are often photoshop horrors of scenes from the movie that you would never want to hang on your wall, unsheets are distilled artistic representations that get at the essence of the film and are often quite well-done, like the Olly Mosses here.  
I love this concept of unsheets, both because they are often really well designed and because I like that they are commonly done by designers for fun… ie, random acts of creativity!, and will have more posts to come on them…

[2010 Rolling Roadshow]
[Olly Moss]
[past unsheet posts here and here]

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Masters and Their Crafts

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