Katie Ermilio
Dear Wonderlusters, I’m so excited to bring you this interview with the darling designer Katie Ermilio. I first came across Katie when her apartment was featured in Rue Magazine (the shot above, left, was the cover- isn’t she adorable??), and I instantly fell in love with her style.
As it often happens, when you love someone’s taste in interiors, you’ll probably love their taste in clothes, and vice versa, and that’s definitely true of Katie. Love her apartment, love her collections.
I was not surprised at all to learn that she cited Funny Face in the interview below– her designs clearly channel classic Audrey-esque ladylike inspirations, with their crisp tailoring and bold solids. But one glance at the collection proves she’s not stuck in the past– the fun silhouettes and details reflect the figures, and more daring sensibilities, of a modern girl. (The image above is too small to tell, but that navy dress has a very sheer top that I love!)
Katie has a heritage in fashion as well– her father has a bespoke menswear shop in Philadelphia, and her grandfather was couturier to Grace Kelly! You can read more about her here, but I’m going to skip over some of the details so we can get to this fun interview… I love how her cool New York City girl vibe comes through…
(And thank you Katie for doing this interview!!)
Where do you go when you need to experience wonder? I’m in love the Rizzoli Book Store on 57th Street in New York. Every time I go I usually end up sitting there for hours flipping through books.
What blogs/sites do you visit when you need to experience wonder? Net-A Porter, The Coveteur, Jak & Jill, and Intothegloss
Source of wonder in your daily life? My job – because I never know where it’s going to take me each day.
Best gift you ever received? My little sister Megan gave me a scrapbook one year for Christmas. She was so young when she made it and worked so hard putting it together. I look at it often and it’s something I’ll keep forever.
What music do you listen to when you want to feel inspired? I’m feel like I’m constantly switching up my playlists – but recently there’s been a bunch of Andrew Murray remixes, jj, Tim & Jean and Robyn in rotation.
A film or person whose style made an impact on you? Funny Face
Essential item(s) you will buy over and over? Love, Chloé Parfum – I’ll wear it forever. I love it so much I spray it on my pillow at night.
A visual memory you will relish forever? My first trip to Italy, riding on a water taxi into Venice.
Ideal picnic? A warm day at Sheep Meadow in Central Park with all of my girlfriends, a big blanket, and my friend Caroline’s famous cheese plate.
Ideal vacation? Hmm, right now? Anywhere warm sounds ideal!
Go-to outfit or must-have accessory or beauty item? My go-to outfit is always a blazer with a pair of jeans, a t-shirt and my Chanel ballet flats.
Must have beauty items are Clarins Beauty Flash Balm and Chanel Blush in Orchid Rose. I’m a total beauty junkie, but these two products I’ve remained extremely loyal to.
One surprising thing about you? People always seem surprised to learn that until I started working on my line fulltime I’d never really considered a career in design.
All-time favorite shoe? So hard! So I’ll go with my Chanel ballet flats and Stubbs & Wootton velvet slippers, because they’re two shoes I’ll always own and wear.
Guilty pleasure? Heath Bar Cookies from Hope’s
Item you will always splurge on? Nail polish and Shoes
Always in your handbag? iPod, plenty of Muji pencils, a notebook, some sort of snack and my Blackberry.
L’Amour Fou
Really looking forward to the new documentary on Yves Saint Laurent, L’Amour Fou.
The NYT did a great review of the film that convinced me that L’Amour Fou is about precisely the parts of Saint Laurent’s life I am most intrigued by — his love (and collection) of art and homes and his relationship with his partner in business and life, Pierre Berge.
Previous documentaries have focused on the fashion (which is, of course, amazing), but I really became intrigued by Saint Laurent during the time of the Christie’s auction of his estate when photos of his homes and art collections began to surface, and this documentary centers around that event.
Oh, btw, the auction netted $484 MILLION. See what I mean? He had one hell of a collection.
For more images from his estate, check out this Vanity Fair article and the beautiful black and white photos by Hedi Slimane.
Steven Alan Spring/Summer ’11
When I lived in New York, Steven Alan and A.P.C. became two of my favorite stores to browse– both for their store design and because I’m just a sucker for their understated looks that generally skew either tomboyish or retro ladylike. (Plus who can resist the cute undies Steven Alan always hangs in the window?)
Here, three favorite looks from Steven Alan’s spring/summer lookbook.
French Fashion Item #1
Two French style/fashion items I’m excited about today.
First: April will be the first issue of French Vogue directed by Emmanuelle Alt, whose style I love, in her new role as editor-in-chief!
The cover, featuring Gisele, was just released. I really like that she went for a look so different from her own style! Very smart, as a lot of people were speculating that the magazine would take on a much more rock n roll look with her at the helm.
Now all I need is a subscription for French Vogue… (Mom, I promise this is not a hint aimed at you, even though you were sweet enough to get me the Cire Trudon candle I posted under LustList!!)
PS – An interesting interview with Emmanuelle here. Ever wonder how she has those super thin legs? Well, it’s not through exercise. Sister has never been to a gym and hates physical exertion. Lots more interesting tidbits in the interview…
Images via I Wanna Be An Alt
More Kulte Goodness
In researching for the post last week on Kulte’s photography for their new campaign, I was looking around on their website and discovered their online magazine-meets-catalog called Kultorama, and it is a treasure trove of even more wonderful photography and eye candy.
With a combination of a sort of travel journal/vintage photo album feel, articles, and outfit collages, they have definitely figured out a formula to creatively communicate their brand identity and to totally hook you on it!
I am really digging the aesthetic of whoever their artistic director is!!
Check out previous issues here and their online store here. You could spend quite a while browsing the Kultoramas. Really quite brilliant because often times I feel like when I discover a store/brand I like, I want to really delve into it, not just to browse the online store, because there’s no story or feeling there, but there’s nothing else really to do on the website. Kultorama certainly gives the consumer a way to delve into the brand…