The Spades
WSJ Loves Andy Spade Too
The Spades
I Love a Monogram on Almost Anything >> Why Not Lamps?
The Spades
Partners & Spade

…And so my fascination with the Spades continues.
Just stumbled across Partners & Spade, apparently another company of Andy and Kate Spade, though it’s difficult to figure out exactly what it is/does or the exact structure. There’s a storefront, which as far as I can gather is a collection of things Andy Spade thinks is cool, with a sort of cheeky twist. Given the credibility the Spades’ taste has achieved, I’d say that’s probably a viable business model. And, given the profitability that has resulted from this credibility, I’d say he’s got room to risk the cheeky twist.
Best Made Co.’s handmade-in-New York axes. Apparently, nice axes are becoming a thing. The point is lost on me, but I will say I like the paint job on this number.
Maybe the most humorous item in the range, a burglary kit– everything one needs to burgle, all in a cool rucksack.
I approve, Andy, I think cartography is cool too.
Here’s what I really like… Apparently they host events and “exhibits” at the store, like this one:
And this one…
And this one…
Cheeky is the perfect word, right? Love the idea of having events like this at the store. Seems like Andy has a lot of fun with this project…
What I didn’t realize, was that Partners & Spade’s “studio,” which seems to be an outlet for co-branding on outside projects, collaborated on the design J. Crew’s Men’s Store. By which I mean, I didn’t realize the Spades were in any way involved with J. Crew, or more specifically the Men’s Store, until I discovered the existence of Partners & Spade. The coming together of two major tastemakers…
And so the Spades continue to conquer the world…
The Spades
Still Loving >> Vintage Suitcases as Decor
I’m not sure if this qualifies as an actual trend or just a personal fave, but either way, I’m definitely still loving it.
Above, from the home of Obedient Sons and Daughters couple Swaim and Christina Hutson, photographed by Todd Selby, posted on his blog The Selby.
Sometimes the line between trend and personal obsession is totally unclear for me, as I will have an obsession that I justify by making a mental note of every time I ever see it done, so to me, it starts to seem like it’s everywhere, when in reality, it might just be because it’s on my personal radar, ya know?
Then, this gets even more peculiar when I feel like I’ve seen something too many times and I hit my personal saturation point, and I feel like I’m over that obsession because then it seems like an overdone trend. And all the while it might not have even been a real trend, I was just primed to seek out examples of it.
Finally, the apartment of Deborah Lloyd, the createive director of Kate Spade (is it possible to have a crush on a company?? Also, did you know Kate left the company in ’07 and Lloyd has never even met her?).
I love not only the old suitcasees, but also pretty much everything else. The art propped everywhere, the globes, the zebra touches, the hate box, even the pink. And it’s pretty brilliant that the pink is only on pillows, so if you got sick of the pink and switched out the pillows, the place would have a totally different feel.
The Spades
LustList >> Calling Cards
The Spades
Mix(ed) Tape
I guess this is the type of work you can’t really fly by the seat of your pants on, but I hadn’t really imagined how much preparation and calculations would go into it until I saw some of her process drawings…
The Spades
"There is no blue without yellow and without orange"
-van Gogh
My attraction to this image required self-analysis. I’m a blue fanatic, especially navy. And I normally don’t like yellow. It just doesn’t do it for me, it always seems either too country or faux “Provence” or whatever. Especially with a floral print. Risky.
But how MASTERFUL is this use of yellow?? The glam gold lamp (brilliant, that’s what really does it for me) and big gold watch save it from being too plain-Jane preppy, the navy border makes it crisp and sophisticated, and the coral colors mixed in brings it to life.
Doesn’t that van Gogh quote apply to this color story??
PS, Kate Spade is a genius. I’m sure of it. And, I like her kitchen. The black and white striped cushion reminds me of Jenna Lyons (here), and I’m pretty sure they are like style-soulmates, or at least cousins.
See all of the Spades’ apartment, which is now a blog-world classic, on Mrs. Blandings.