atlantic pacific


I’d been seeing images of this chic lady flying around on tumblrs and such, and I finally figured out who it is! Her name is Blair, she blogs her outfits at Atlantic-Pacific, and, she lives in San Francisco! I’m going to be keeping my eyes peeled around town for this new girl crush… Doesn’t she have loads of style??

PS – Today’s post is a double feature! My friend Leo sent me these videos and I had to share with you. Filmmaker Tyler Cullen went around NYC asking people what song they were listening to and made a video out of it, and it inspired a whole series of these throughout the world! It’s such a fun peak into these cities, both for the street life you see and for the musical choices of its residents!

And, sometimes the answers are really surprising… don’t you always wonder what people are listening to on the street and kind of try to guess based on their outfit or mood or whatever? Well, many of these I never would have guessed! And I wonder if some of these folks would have ever admitted that they listen to some of this stuff otherwise. I’ve watched a bunch of them, and let me tell you, Lady Gaga truly is everywhere.


August 23, 2011

Curated by:
Eliza Coleman

Style Files

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public pools

World’s Coolest Public Pools

One of my favorite things about living in Santa Barbara was how many public amenities there were, including all kinds of city-maintained beautiful parks and trails, city rec leagues, and of course, the beach. The experience of seeing people everyday playing beach volleyball, windsurfing, playing soccer/baseball/ultimate frisbee, barbecuing, running on the sidewalk along the beach, and just generally enjoying life outside, for free, made me really value public amenities.

So, I thought these public pools rocked!! It makes me so happy when fun things in beautiful spots are made available for free.

Also, if you missed it, check out this pool, called +Pool, being proposed for the East River in NYC (using kickstarter)! Btw, +Pool achieved almost double their funding goal on kickstarter! For two more interesting pool/public design projects, check out this article.

For more info, check out the original article on Budget Travel, via Cup of Joe.

August 22, 2011

Curated by:
Eliza Coleman



cig cards

Early 1900s Cigarette Packaging

Great Flickr set of cigarette cards from the early 20th century. I have such a thing for one- and two-color packaging design, so clean and it forces the imagery to be super simple. And the typefaces sing!

If you saw the post on Cultivate Wines (one of my day jobs), you might recognize that we took inspiration for the box wine labels from this era of design! The lovely Cynthia Warren executed them brilliantly.

via Design Love Fest (who I took the photoshop class from you might have heard me tweet about!)

August 18, 2011

Curated by:
Eliza Coleman

Graphic Fix



Rog Walker

Loving the photography blog of Rog Walker. It’s like a street style blog meets personal style blog– it’s mostly of him and his girlfriend (whose hair I’m obsessed with) and his friends in various locations, many industrial, around New York that create awesome backdrops. I love the settings, the colors, the outfits, and the mood. And in kind of a creepy way, I like the chronicle of his relationship with his girlfriend.

Also love the fact that his official name is Rog. It’s pretty awesome to make a nickname, one that’s a shortening of your name, not the kind of nickname that’s another name, like Nick from Nicholas, your official name.


August 16, 2011

Curated by:
Eliza Coleman

Style Files

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Camp Wandawega

I’ve been so excited to show this to you that I could hardly wait out my vacation to post it. I absolutely love this place, concept, and story!

“Boy meets girl. Boy proposes. Proposes both marriage and that they purchase his abandoned childhood summer camp to be wed at. Girl accepts on both counts.” So Teresa tells the story.

Teresa and David, both advertising execs in Chicago, were introduced by a former boss, fell in love, and David proposed. Years before, David had taken her to see his former summer camp, (which had also had former lives as a brothel, a speakeasy, and a family vacation destination), and though it had fallen into disuse and disrepair, they asked the owner to please call if he ever wanted to sell. A few years later, he did, and with a lakefront location and 25 bedrooms, they decided it would be the perfect place to hold their wedding. 
The catch was that it had been neglected for years and needed tons of work. This is the part that really amazes me. Most people find it challenging to plan a wedding in six months. Much less plan a wedding and renovate the entire property where it's going to take place and where all your guests will be staying! 
Well, they pulled it off, with help from friends, and now Camp Wandawega operates as an event space and retreat where they host friends on weekends. How FUN! I think Teresa might be a new idol of mine. 

The camp includes a boarding house-style hotel, cabins, tents, and even a treehouse. Ahhh!! 
And of course, the treehouse has an awesome story too. When they bought the property, Teresa's dad christened it by hanging a rope swing from one of the trees. He later passed away, and the tree came down with a disease. Teresa couldn't bear to cut it down, and learned that despite the branches dying, the trunk was still strong. So, with the help of their crafty friends again, they designed and constructed this awesome treehouse.
Check out the gallery for lots more! Images and info via The Lettered Cottage and the Camp Wandawega site.


August 15, 2011

Curated by:
Eliza Coleman


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I’m on Vacation Y’all

Sorry for the meager posting this week! I’m on vacation but have still been half-working, and I finally just decided to take the rest of week completely off. I realized I need a total break before going back to work on Monday. In the mean time, I’ll be doing the things you see above, and if you’re bored in your mean time, check out @wonderjournal on Twitter for links and articles I’ll post as I come across them.

Most recent tweets:

Loved this essay about Southern women in @gardenandgun

Love these boots.

I couldn’t agree more! When men look like they’re dressing to be blogged about, it’s a turn off… on @parkandbond

August 11, 2011

Curated by:
Eliza Coleman

yes to all

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Today I’m feeling…

Color. Surprise color, stripes of color, books by color.

August 10, 2011

Curated by:
Eliza Coleman

yes to all




This is so clever. Fauxgo, a tumblr, collects faux logos created for movies and tv shows. Above three from shows/movies I loved, and they all happened to play integral parts in their stories, and hence are very recognizable. Mad Men, Monsters Inc., and LOST. C

Check out the gallery for more (their titles tell you what they came from and the name of the company), and Fauxgo for even more (with more added all the time).

via Swiss Miss

August 9, 2011

Curated by:
Eliza Coleman

Graphic Fix



Kitchen Love

I am OBSESSED with this kitchen!! The brass kickplates, drawer pulls, and refrigerator pulls, white subway tile, herringbone wood floors, FIREPLACE and log storage below… really, I love everything about it.

And the living room and dining room are pretty cute too! I love the small scale of the whole thing. I think it is from Canadian House and Home but I can’t find out anything more or I’d show you! If anyone is able to track it down… let me know!



August 8, 2011

Curated by:
Eliza Coleman





Wooo Iceland has really grabbed my imagination. It started with that mountain at left– Brennisteinsalda– a volcano that has been colored by sulphur (the name means sulphur wave). How amazing is that? (There are more pics in the gallery.)

After digging up lots of pictures of Brennisteinsalda to be sure that wasn’t photoshop trickery, that discovery lead to an exploration of more photos of Iceland, and I really don’t know how I hadn’t seen some of this stuff before.

And then those wild horses and “Icelandic sheep”!! (Don’t they sound more intriguing since they’re not just normal sheep, they’re Icelandic sheep? I think that’s the beginning of a very good marketing campaign for very expensive Icelandic wool sweaters…) This place looks amazing. And so wonderfully foreign

Check out the gallery for lots more eye-opening pics!

Photos from hereherehere.


August 4, 2011

Curated by:
Eliza Coleman



Masters and Their Crafts

Roost + Cultivate Wines

I love photography like the above… that dinner table in candle light… I have an obsession... 


Katie Ermilio
katie ermilio

Dear Wonderlusters, I’m so excited to bring you this interview with the darling designer Katie... 


Drawn In
drawn in

I can’t wait to get my hands on this book of images from the sketch books of 44 artists and designers... 

Listening To

Arcade Fire + Chris Milk
creators project

I so wish I had been at Coachella for this. Director Chris Milk, as part of The Creator’s Project,... 


Canopy & Stars
canopy and stars

This site is so much fun to browse. Talk about wanderlust. Alistair Sawday, author of the Special Places... 


Modern Cottage
canada cabin

Loving this modern cottage in the woods of Ontario. I’m all for cozy, traditional cottages, but... 

Style Files

RRL’s Vintage-y Lookbook

As Miss Moss said, there have been an influx (onslaught?) of vintage-inspired lookbooks recently, but... 


Recently on Editor’s Chair…

Click over to Editor’s Chair, the tumblr within the blog, for more.  

Wonderlust: a strong, innate desire for things that inspire wonder or the urge to create.
Other Goodness
  • Eliza Coleman
  • Respect
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