Eataly Flash Mob

At Eataly earlier today for lunch, I was already in food/pretty packaging heaven/overload, when a violinist started to play in the middle of the charcuterie and cheese area where we were eating. It’s not unusual in New York for musicians to crop up in random places, so at first I wasn’t too surprised, and he was actually really good, so we went about our lunch just enjoying the added background music.
Then, with song #2, the volume started to increase, and I realized there was an amp… and then I knew it. We were about to be flash mobbed!! …And the violinist turned out to be the super-famous David Garrett!
So without further ado, first, the video of the violinist playing song #2, a lovely classical number that started to get people interested, but before the mayhem began. You’ll hear at the very end of the song he starts to play “Smooth Criminal,” which would turn into the mob song.
And then, the mob begins:
Update: David Garrett’s people have uploaded this HD video of the event– I noticed after the event that there were cameras stuck up on the walls everywhere, and planted videographers, so I was waiting for something like this to surface!
PS- Thank you to Huffington Post and EaterNY for the re-blogs!
Banner photos by What Katie Ate